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Your club membership includes the following benefits for.

  • Eligible for the annual seed give-away our Seed Promotional package from our growers with our best genetics from this year’s grow. Heavy, BIG, Orange, Atlantic Giant Genetics,  ALL proven to grow over a mile above sea level. Note: Limited to the first who sign up 
  • Club meetings…The Spring Meet & Greet ….. Our Patch Tour & Picnic with free luncheon for paid club members, giveaways, club discounts, come meet your fellow growers, share your energy and information with others. Enjoy our website…Learn how to GROW THEM BIG.
  • Club members eligible for GPC awards and Prizes and give a ways at the meetings.
  • Our Facebook page is full of club information, recipes, and grower information, all the latest growing tips and advice from across the US, Canada and Europe, share with your fellow growers.
  • Membership runs from January to January

Note: Seed packs only for US and CA shipping

Club Membership

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